Welcome to the IBS Virtual Classroom! The primary goal of this ministry is to provide affordable or even free Bible courses for those who would like to attend Bible college, but who are, for whatever reason, unable. This could also be used as a review for those who have been to Bible college. What we are offering at present is a New Testament Survey course in RealAudio® and mp3 format, along with quizzes, links to related articles for further reading, a course syllabus, and instructions for taking the course online. What we do not offer is college credit or any type of certificate for completing the courses; they are provided for your enrichment only.
We have tried to make taking these courses as simple as possible. All you have to do is buy the book(s) and listen to the classes online. Most of the books are available from Amazon or CBD. Or you may simply listen to any of the sessions which interest you. Either way there is no charge whatsoever for the online courses. More are available on the IBS Classroom On A Disk (see below). You will need to download RealPlayer (version 8 or above) to play the RealAudio® files. The mp3 format should play in just about any media player or even in your web browser. I hope that these classes are a blessing to you!
William Arnold III
Webmaster, IBS
Online Courses:
- Instructions for taking this course (read this first!)
- New Testament Survey (34 class sessions in RealAudio® or mp3)
- Old Testament Survey 1 (coming soon!)
Individual Topics:
- The Post-Tribulation Rapture - PDF format (Acrobat Reader required, free download)
- The Post-Tribulation Rapture - EPUB format for iPhone, iPad, Sony Reader and most other eBook readers
- The Post-Tribulation Rapture - MOBI format for the Amazon Kindle
- The Post-Tribulation Rapture - MS Reader format for Windows Mobile (MS Reader required, free download)
The IBS Classroom On A Disk
- Sorry, this is not available at the moment.
All of the works on this web site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. This means that you are free to copy them and share them with others as long as: 1. You give the authors proper credit, 2. You do not use them for commercial purposes and 3. You do not change them in any way."Freely you received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8)
* - At this point, it has only been tested on Macintosh OS 9 & X.Email IBS | Statement of Faith | Home | Browse by Author | Q & A
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