What is meant by the "Lord's Day" in Rev. 1:10?

William Arnold III


I was wondering what your oppinion was on Rev 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet." In this verse what is meant by the "Lord's day"? If it is to be distinguished from the "day of the Lord," (visitation) how is the distinction made? I don't recall what the debate was, but a JW friend said they believe it refers to the actual day the Lord Jesus returns (future) so John was "transported" in time.


Thank you for your feedback. The idea that the "Lord's Day" is the same as the "Day of the Lord" comes from some Pre-Tribulationists that try and make the entire Tribulation the "Day of the Lord." They understand this to be saying that John was caught up into the eschatological Day of the Lord. However the difference in our English translations reflects a difference in the Greek terms used. The Day of the Lord is "hemera kuriou." The Lord's day is "kuriake hemera." These are very different and distinct terms. The term "Lord's day" is found only here in scripture but was used of the first day of the week in honor of the Lord's resurrection in other early Christian literature.

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